Thursday, November 18, 2010

Want to help Hunter Elementary PTA earn money? For any Hunter Elementary student, parent, or staff member that has a new patient visit at Southern Springs Dental, (Xrays, comprehensive exam, and prophy) Dr. Barry Jardine will donate 10% of that visit back to Hunter PTA! So, go see the dentist and earn money for your school! Call 888-3540 to schedule today!

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Box Tops

Don't forget to save and turn in your box tops. You can turn them into your students teacher or the office. We get tons of money given back to the school for the box tops and use the money for purchases for the school!!!

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Thank you's and updated news

Thank you to all the parents and teachers for their donations and time to make the carnival a huge success. It was a great week. Thank you to Don Nelson and Scott Dorval for judging our pumpkin contest. Thank you to all the parents and teachers in putting together the awesome scarecrows. Thank you to Stonehenge Produce (Farmers Market) on Fairview for donating the hay bales, corn stalks and pumpkins. Thank you to all our vendors. Thank you to all the volunteers that made the night possible especially Angela Sasser, Sara Weber and Rebecca Mace for all the games. Thank you to Mrs. Clark for her continued support.

Thank you to Souper Salad for your donation at the teacher potluck on November 4th, 2010

Reflections is Due November 15th, 2010. 2010-11
Reflections Program Theme: "Together we can." 6 areas are: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and the visual arts (which includes art forms such as drawing, painting, print making, and collage).

What your donations have helped accomplished this year so far:
Art supplies, projectors for individual classrooms, health curriculum and supplies for individual classrooms. Thank you for your support you are what makes Hunter such a great school.

Upcoming events:
Thanksgiving Break November 19th - 26th
Next PTA meeting December 13th @ 4:00
Jingle Bell Rock (Family Dance night) 12/10/10
Jingle Candy Grams Dec. 13th, 14th & 15th
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Award

HunterElementary HAWKS, was determined to be one of the best PTA & PTSA blogs in our region!

As a winner, we honor you by presenting you with an awards badge. You can use this to signify just how special your blog is to your school!

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hunter Hawks Spirit Wear

Hunter Spirit Wear is now available for pre-order. Order forms will go home in this weeks Thursday's folder and due back by October 6th. Please make checks payable to Hunter PTA. The logo is the same from last year but we are offering the items in black or white.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact a member of the Hunter PTA board.
Happy Fall!!!!

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Some New Information

Hello Hunter Parents and Staff,

Just some updates and information:

- Jog-A-Thon is October 1st, the money envelopes are due back by October 11th.

- Fall Carnival is on October 22nd, with food, games, costume parade (weather permitting), scarecrow auction, pumpkin decorating contest (due October 18th, 2010) and lots of FUN.

-We are in need of volunteers for the Carnival, if you are interested and can volunteer your time please contact the PTA or your child's teacher.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

The PTA needs you!!!

This year the PTA will have some new events as well as some past favorites. To succeed we need you. We want to be as organized as possible, please let us know which activities/events that you are interested in helping with.

With out the volunteers these activities would not happen. Please consider the contribution that you could make that will ensure that the students and families at Hunter continue to have enriching activities that make their school experience even better.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone volunteered at least once a year and the impact that would have on your child's school. Here is a list of events/activities that we will need volunteer help with.

-Jog-A-Thon (end of sept./first part of Oct)
-Red Ribbon week (3rd week in Oct)
-Fall Carnival (Oct. 22nd)
-Reflections (Nov.)
-Candy Grams (Dec & Feb)
-Hunter Hoofers (M, W, F once or twice a month)
-Appreciation (thank you cards/posters)
-Family Fun Nights (Dec, Jan, Feb)
-Family Science Night (April 15th)
-Room Parents

Please contact the PTA or your child's teacher to let us know where you can help out. There was a volunteer form that went out in your child's folder either Thursday or Friday this week. You can fill that out and send back in with your student also.

If you have any questions or concerns or other areas you can volunteer please feel free to contact the PTA president, Natalie Day at 288-5600 or

We thank you all in advance for your help and contributions!!!!
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First PTA meeting of the year

Hello parents and staff,

Our first PTA meeting of 2010/2011 will be held on Monday 9/13/10 at 4:00 pm, babysitting will be provided for those of you who need to bring the kids along!!!

This year there are going to be many fun activities to raise money to enrich our students here at Hunter. If you are unable to make it to these meeting but will still like to help the PTA you can always donate to the PTA at any time. All you have to do is send in a check with your student to give to their teacher and make the check out to Hunter PTA.

This month we will be holding the PTA membership contest from 9/1 - 9/25. The two classes (one in K-2 and one in 3-5) that have the highest percentage of families that join the PTA will win a party.

Membership dues for 2010/2011 are only $10 for a family membership, we are striving for 100% precipitation. Membership dues can be turned into the classroom or the office during the contest. Please make checks payable to HUNTER PTA.

Join today to make a difference tomorrow!!!
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome Back Hunter Families & Staff

Hello parents, students, and staff members of Hunter!!! We hope you have all had a wonderful fun packed summer! The first day of school is fast approaching. Here are a few bits of info for you to start off our year:

-August 25th after 5:00, the class list SHOULD be posted on the door of the school.

-Meet & Greet your Teacher Night is August 26th, 5:00 - 6:30 pm.

-Directly following the Meet & Greet will be a PTA Ice Cream Social from 6:30 - 7:30 on the side lawn.

Please join us and sign up to help for the upcoming events happening at Hunter Elementary for the 2010/2011 school year. Please bring a lawn chair to sit on for a brief meeting.

Also, to build amazing sundaes, we need help from all of you.

If your last name begins with A,B,C or D please bring Fudge Topping.
If your last name begins with E, F, G or H please bring Caramel Topping.
If your last name begins with I, J, K or L please bring Candy Topping.
If your last name begins with M, N, O or P please bring Whipped Cream.
If your last name begins with Q, R, S,T or U please bring Strawberry Topping.
If you last name begins with V, W, X, Y or Z please bring Cherries for Topping.

Please share this with anyone that would like to be involved in PTA this year. It takes all of you to make amazing things happen at Hunter. Thanks!

-Hunter is in need of 4 parent volunteers to help with directly parking, walking, & traffic flow for the first 2 weeks before and after school. If this is something you can help with please contact the school office ASAP. Hunter is also in need of two more crossing guards, please contact Mrs. Clark if you are interested and the applications are available on line at the school districts website.

More information to follow, so keep your eyes open and check the blog frequently for updates.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hunter PTA's New 2010/2011 Board Members

Thank you all who came to the last PTA meeting of the year. What a great turn out we had. It is always so good to see so many faces at the meetings.

We accomplished quite a bit, we have a new board in place for next year, discussed the possibility of moving some of our big fundraising events around a little, we briefly discussed the budget and what will be carried over for next year, the teachers requested some new supplies that they would love to have before school starts next year (we are going to try our hardest to make that happen for them), and last but not least voted in our new board members, and here they are:

PTA President - Natalie Day
Vice President - Natalie Jardine
Secretary- Tiffany Newcomer
Treasurer - Liz Pratt

Thank you for stepping up and volunteering to take on these positions. We know you will do a wonderful job and we can't wait to work with you.

Keep your eyes on the blog, there will be more information to come with more announcements. As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, ideas, or concerns please feel free to contact any board member. Our contact info is listed at the top right hand corner of the blog.
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Last PTA meeting of the year

Hello parents and staff,

The last PTA meeting of the year is going to be held on June 1st, 4:00 - 5:00 at the school. We encourage all to come.

Some topics that will be discussed are:

-Voting in the new PTA board for the 2010/2011 school year
-Discussing the outcome of the Carnival & talking about ideas for next year's carnival
-Finding out the ending balance of the PTA budget that will carry over to next year
-Discussing any subjects that will help and encourage our new PTA board to have a successful year.

This is the time to voice any opinions or offer to share any ideas that will help the Hunter PTA.

We look forward to seeing you all there!!
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Leaving comments on the Blog

Hello parents and Hunter staff. We can see that there have been a couple of comments left on the Blog under certain posts, however we are unable to view these comments at this time. We are working on fixing this glitch. If there are any comments that are urgent or comments that were more like questions, please email or call one of the board members to get your answer. We are sorry if this has caused any inconveniences to anyone, and we certainly apologized if any one felt ignored.

Thank you and have a great weekend!!!

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week 5/3/10 - 5/7/10 is Teacher Appreciation Week. Please remind your student to thank their teacher and/or make a nice thank you card/gift for their teacher. They do so much for our students, and we so appreciate their hard work!!!

The PTA will be hosting a fantastic luncheon on Friday for the whole staff!!!
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Just a reminder the Spring Carnival is Friday May 14th 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Circus Theme, read two post below to see all the information about the carnival. Tell your neighbors, family and friends, ALL are welcome!!!

Don't forget that this is Hunter's Biggest Fundraiser for the year. 100% of the proceeds from this event will go directly back into the classrooms. With the new budget cuts set for next year, this will help off set the cut backs that your students teachers will face in the 2010/2011 school year.

Also we are in desperate need of donations for our raffle baskets. If you would like to donate but don't have time to buy donation gifts, please feel free to donate monetarily. We will be using money donations to help buy items for the baskets also.
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PTA meeting TODAY

Hello Hunter Community,

May's PTA meeting will be held TODAY in room 21 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. We have a lot of things to discuss and a ton of information about the Carnival. Please, if you are volunteering for the carnival we would love to have you at the meeting to help out with the planning.

As always we would love to have as many teaching staff there as well. If you have any questions or concerns about anything PTA please feel free to contact the PTA board.

We hope to see you all at the meeting.

Happy Tuesday!!!

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Friday, April 30, 2010

CARNIVAL information

2010 Spring Fling Carnival is almost here!!!

Friday May 14th 5:00 - 8:00 pm

The Carnival is Hunter's BIGGEST fundraiser for the year; the kids are already anticipating the fun. Most importantly... 100% of the proceeds go back into Hunter Elementary classrooms."

Here are a few vital bits of information that you may want to know in advance,

Come Hungry.....Food Vendors are:

Idaho Pizza Co. Pizza by the slice- $3
Super Pollo Mexican- Burrito with chips & salsa -$5, Nachos -$3
Hot Dog combo deal includes chips & bottled water-$3

Also back by popular demand....Kettle Corn and sugar sticks, snow cones and cotton Candy.

There will be 13 Carnival circus games. We have learned quite a bit from last year's Carnival and have made some much needed changes to make this year's Carnival run even better then last year's and a bigger success!!

Game tickets will be .25 cents per ticket or you can pre order a wrist band for your student that gets them unlimited game play for $5. (there will be a flier that comes home with wrist band order info in it)

Don't forget the Dunk Tank......3 balls for $1 (Mr. McGinnis will be in the tank)

Basket Raffles

Basket Themes are:
-Gently used books
-Gift Card Tree
-Game Night
-H2O Fun
-Movie Night
-Arts, crafts, scrap booking
-Italian Food
-Mexican Food
-Family Fun
-Outdoor Fun

Calling all crafters and Direct selling/home businesses.....We have vendor booths available for the carnival...$25 per booth. Contact Kelly Klein 887-1843 or Booths are going fast!!!

The PTA still needs many volunteers to help this carnival run smoothly. Please contact your students teacher or Sara Weber 860-8805 or Krissy Pimentel 890-0910 if you would like to volunteer.

We Hope to see all the families and teaching staff there. Bring your neighbors and extended families, All are welcome!!!!
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Friday, April 23, 2010


Hello Hunter families and staff,

We are gathering all the information for this years Carnival. Check back next week to get all the dates, prices, games, food, vender's and any other information you might need or want about the carnival. It is sneaking up on us. If you are interested in volunteering in ANY way for the carnival please contact Sara Weber or Krissy Pimentel. Contact info is in the upper right hand corner of the blog. Remember this IS our biggest fund raiser for the year.

Until next week.......
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Monday, March 1, 2010

This months PTA meeting

Hello Parents and Teachers,

Just a reminder that there is a PTA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 3/2/10 in room 21 at 4:00pm. We always look forward to seeing all you parents and teachers. We have tons to talk about and if you have any questions or concerns this is a great time to share those with the PTA board.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ice Cream Sundae Banana Split Sock Hop

Hello Hunter parents and staff,

Happy February!!!

We have a great fun event coming up this month. The 4th & 5th grades are sponsoring the Soc Hop. It will be a 50's themed Sock Hop with a DJ and Banana Splits and Ice cream Sundaes. This should be a fun night for all the Hunter families. All the proceeds from this event will go directly to the 4th & 5th grades for items they need in the classrooms.

So bring your families and neighbors to a fun filled night.

The event will be held Friday night 2/26/10 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Bargain prices $2.00 for a Banana Spilt or regular Sundae, with all the fixings, (minus nuts due to the amount of children that have nut allergies)

We look forward to see you all there!!!

Also, February 17th Hunter will be honoring the Crossing guards, Bus drivers and Recess yard duties. So if you see these staff members while dropping off or picking up your kids please make a special effort to say Thank you! Remind your kids to thank their bus drivers, and the yard duties. It always brightens their days.

Last but not least, we will be holding another PTA Carnival planning meeting on 2/24/10, in the cafeteria from 7:00 -8:00 pm. Please, please come and bring all your thoughts and ideas. This is our BIGGEST fundraiser for the year, and it needs the most volunteers. This years Carnival will have a "Circus Theme".

For those of you who may not know, the proceeds from last years carnival purchased Hunter a huge sign for the front of the school, it is in the process of being finalized and you should see it being installed with in the next few weeks. So keep an eye out for it.

Thanks again to all the staff and parents who make the PTA run. We look forward to seeing you and the meeting.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Calling all Valentine Candy Gram Volunteers


The Valentine candy gram sale is fast approaching. We are searching high and low for volunteers willing to sell grams. We have 4 time slots for 3 days. If you can volunteer for at least one (if you can do more that's even better) slot, let us know.


Monday, February 8thTuesday
February 9thWednesday
February 10th


Before School : 8:45 - 9:30
Lunch A : 11:30 - 12:30
Lunch B: 12:30 - 1:30
After School: 3:30 - 4:15
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hunter's Family Bingo Night


Hunter's 2nd & 3rd graders will be hosting Family Bingo Night this Friday in the Cafeteria from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. There will be some GREAT PRIZES handed out to Bingo winners!!!! And there will be Hot Dog Combo meals for sale. $3.00 gets you a Hot dog, chips, water, & cookie. What a deal. All proceeds from this event go directly to the 2nd & 3rd grade teachers for supplies needed in their classrooms. Just to clarify, this event is for ALL grades and their families. There will only be 50 hot dog Combo meals, so first come first serve.

The 2nd & 3rd graders hope to see you all there.

Family Bingo Night in the cafeteria
Friday 1/15/10
6:00 - 8:00 pm
$3.00 Hot Dog Combo Meals (only 50 available)

If you have any questions please contact any of the PTA board members via phone or email. As always our contact info is listed in the top right hand corner of the blog.
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January's Family Food Night

Hunter's January Family Food Night will be held on Tuesday the 19th at Shake N Take Burgers located at 710 W. Ustick Rd. Ste 150, Meridian from 4:00 - 9:00 pm. Shake N Take Burgers will be giving Hunter PTA 20% of the sales that night. Their menu consist of Burgers, Hot Dogs, Shakes, Fries, Chili, Chili tots, sodas. All the good stuff. We hope to see you all their, and don't forget this is a great way to support local businesses that support our school. And just another night that us MOM'S don't have to cook.

Tuesday, January 19th
Shake N Take Burgers
4:00 - 9:00 pm
710 W. Ustick Rd. Ste 150
(located next to Fast Eddy's Chevron near Settler's Park)
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Evening PTA meeting TOMORROW NIGHT

The PTA will be holding our first night meeting of the new year. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. We look forward to seeing all of our working parents that can't usually make it to our afternoon meetings. This is a great time to voice your opinions and learn more about what the Hunter PTA is doing for 2010.

There will be refreshments and coffee served!!!! Yummy!!

Hope to see you ALL there.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year


Happy New Year to all the Hunter Families. The PTA wishes you all a Happy and Healthy 2010. We look forward to all the fun activities coming to Hunter in 2010. Stay tuned for more info.
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