Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome Back Hunter Families & Staff

Hello parents, students, and staff members of Hunter!!! We hope you have all had a wonderful fun packed summer! The first day of school is fast approaching. Here are a few bits of info for you to start off our year:

-August 25th after 5:00, the class list SHOULD be posted on the door of the school.

-Meet & Greet your Teacher Night is August 26th, 5:00 - 6:30 pm.

-Directly following the Meet & Greet will be a PTA Ice Cream Social from 6:30 - 7:30 on the side lawn.

Please join us and sign up to help for the upcoming events happening at Hunter Elementary for the 2010/2011 school year. Please bring a lawn chair to sit on for a brief meeting.

Also, to build amazing sundaes, we need help from all of you.

If your last name begins with A,B,C or D please bring Fudge Topping.
If your last name begins with E, F, G or H please bring Caramel Topping.
If your last name begins with I, J, K or L please bring Candy Topping.
If your last name begins with M, N, O or P please bring Whipped Cream.
If your last name begins with Q, R, S,T or U please bring Strawberry Topping.
If you last name begins with V, W, X, Y or Z please bring Cherries for Topping.

Please share this with anyone that would like to be involved in PTA this year. It takes all of you to make amazing things happen at Hunter. Thanks!

-Hunter is in need of 4 parent volunteers to help with directly parking, walking, & traffic flow for the first 2 weeks before and after school. If this is something you can help with please contact the school office ASAP. Hunter is also in need of two more crossing guards, please contact Mrs. Clark if you are interested and the applications are available on line at the school districts website.

More information to follow, so keep your eyes open and check the blog frequently for updates.
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