Friday, September 3, 2010

First PTA meeting of the year

Hello parents and staff,

Our first PTA meeting of 2010/2011 will be held on Monday 9/13/10 at 4:00 pm, babysitting will be provided for those of you who need to bring the kids along!!!

This year there are going to be many fun activities to raise money to enrich our students here at Hunter. If you are unable to make it to these meeting but will still like to help the PTA you can always donate to the PTA at any time. All you have to do is send in a check with your student to give to their teacher and make the check out to Hunter PTA.

This month we will be holding the PTA membership contest from 9/1 - 9/25. The two classes (one in K-2 and one in 3-5) that have the highest percentage of families that join the PTA will win a party.

Membership dues for 2010/2011 are only $10 for a family membership, we are striving for 100% precipitation. Membership dues can be turned into the classroom or the office during the contest. Please make checks payable to HUNTER PTA.

Join today to make a difference tomorrow!!!

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